In the tiny single column on page three of the newspaper, the anchor on page one and tiny corners all over the newspaper, some woman, child or girl is getting raped.
It's becoming routine now. How do men in Haryana spend their time? They go around looking for girls/women, anything with a vagina and breasts to rape.
If we are to believe authorities, girls and women and anyone with a vagina and breasts, anywhere in this country, apparently walk with a tattoo on their head which says, "Rape me. I am a woman, you ought to rape me."
Who put that tattoo, you ask me?
Hey these are women.If they are allowed to survive in their mother's womb, and then later outside of it and allowed too much time on this Earth then they are asking for these tattoos.
Did you not know that they are unwanted? You have to make them and those who want this unwanted species realise the mistake they have made by bringing her to this world. The only reason we might just tolerate them is that they also produce male children. And those, everyone wants.
The government knows about it and who knows it might soon launch a secret mission to get rid of females, sparing a few who will only reproduce male heirs. Women are the trouble makers, men are expected to behave the way they do. Right?
This the truth, like it or not.
All of us have those tattoos on our head, I see men trying to read it everyday. The day one of them deciphers it, I'll join the group of woman who wanted to get raped. Who went out of her way to attract the attention of a stranger on the streets and he was so helpless that he raped her.
What's even better is the word rape does not seem to horrify anyone anymore. So when a cricket team thrashes another we say "Oh! xxxxx raped xxxxx." If you point it out then you are the hyper feminist who can't take a joke. Rape, joke you say? Okay, the jokes on me, tattoed on my head perhaps.
The hard truth about being a woman in this country is that though you are unwanted, you are still wanted. They just want your legs to part and if you don't oblige they'll make them part for you.
You get more despised if you are educated, independent and speak your mind. They hate you when show them that you don't need a man to run your life. That you can be on your own and choose a life you want to lead. That you are not a production machine to suit a man's need. What you posses is more powerful than any man, and you have the right to yield this power, and have children because you want to and not because it's your duty to a man.
Often, I get told off for being critical of men. But really if the slightly sensible and yet-not-turned-rapists variety of men, have some shame, they'll not question me again. They'll not complain about the fact I get free entry and drinks at a posh bar. I also get molested and groped.
This privilege of walking in somewhere for free is not for me, it's for the men. They pay to walk in, groove with some, grope some, molest some and who knows if they get lucky rape some and make it to the tiny column of a newspaper. In the end it's always the women's fault.
It's becoming routine now. How do men in Haryana spend their time? They go around looking for girls/women, anything with a vagina and breasts to rape.
If we are to believe authorities, girls and women and anyone with a vagina and breasts, anywhere in this country, apparently walk with a tattoo on their head which says, "Rape me. I am a woman, you ought to rape me."
Who put that tattoo, you ask me?
Hey these are women.If they are allowed to survive in their mother's womb, and then later outside of it and allowed too much time on this Earth then they are asking for these tattoos.
Did you not know that they are unwanted? You have to make them and those who want this unwanted species realise the mistake they have made by bringing her to this world. The only reason we might just tolerate them is that they also produce male children. And those, everyone wants.
The government knows about it and who knows it might soon launch a secret mission to get rid of females, sparing a few who will only reproduce male heirs. Women are the trouble makers, men are expected to behave the way they do. Right?
This the truth, like it or not.
All of us have those tattoos on our head, I see men trying to read it everyday. The day one of them deciphers it, I'll join the group of woman who wanted to get raped. Who went out of her way to attract the attention of a stranger on the streets and he was so helpless that he raped her.
What's even better is the word rape does not seem to horrify anyone anymore. So when a cricket team thrashes another we say "Oh! xxxxx raped xxxxx." If you point it out then you are the hyper feminist who can't take a joke. Rape, joke you say? Okay, the jokes on me, tattoed on my head perhaps.
The hard truth about being a woman in this country is that though you are unwanted, you are still wanted. They just want your legs to part and if you don't oblige they'll make them part for you.
You get more despised if you are educated, independent and speak your mind. They hate you when show them that you don't need a man to run your life. That you can be on your own and choose a life you want to lead. That you are not a production machine to suit a man's need. What you posses is more powerful than any man, and you have the right to yield this power, and have children because you want to and not because it's your duty to a man.
Often, I get told off for being critical of men. But really if the slightly sensible and yet-not-turned-rapists variety of men, have some shame, they'll not question me again. They'll not complain about the fact I get free entry and drinks at a posh bar. I also get molested and groped.
This privilege of walking in somewhere for free is not for me, it's for the men. They pay to walk in, groove with some, grope some, molest some and who knows if they get lucky rape some and make it to the tiny column of a newspaper. In the end it's always the women's fault.